Monday, May 24, 2010

Various Methods of Building a Website

There are various methods of building a website. Whether you want to build one completely from scratch or make one in the simplest way possible, you can do so. Some things you need to consider before getting started are:
  • Your own level of knowledge and experience.

  • How much money you are willing to spend.

  • How unique and professional you want your design to be.

  • How quickly you want it up and running.

Hiring a Web Designer

The most expensive method is to hire a professional web designer. This, however, can be pretty costly. Expect to pay around $500 or more, depending on the designer's level of experience and rates. The good news is that, providing you hire the right individual to do the job, you can expect your site to come out extremely professional looking! You will also have a unique layout, which means you won't have to worry about your site looking like anyone else's.

Using Software

Many people choose to use software such as Dreamweaver, Coffee Cup, or Microsoft FrontPage. The price can range anywhere from $50 to $300, depending on which program you want to use. Some people find the basics easy to grasp and some people do not. For this reason, you need to download a free trial version of web development software and experiment with it. Download free website templates from the internet and try to edit them. If you have no idea what you're doing, cancel the trial and choose a simpler method.

FTP Software

If you make a website and save it on your computer, you need to upload it to the internet in order for people to see it. You can do this with an FTP client. Some hosting providers will allow you to upload your site through their FTP client. There is also software you can download to upload your website files yourself. Check and see what your hosting company offers and determine whether or not you'll need a third party FTP client.

Online Website Builders

If you build your website online, with a hosting account or WordPress, you won't have to upload everything to the internet, since it will already be there. Many hosting accounts provide website builders at no additional costs. They include templates, add-ons, scripts, fonts, logos, and so forth. They provide step-by-step guides and tutorials on how to build a website. This is the easiest and most affordable option for most people.

“What You See is What You Get”

A WYSIWYG editor, such as the one provided by WordPress, is a website creation tool that doesn't require any knowledge or experience at all. You can actually watch what you are creating as you are creating it. Furthermore, some of these editors are free! You won't need any hosting unless you want your own domain, rather than one provided to you. Now, most people use WYSIWYG editors such as WordPress for creating blogs, but these days, blogs can contain more than just articles. They can contain images, polls, videos, contact forms, etc.

If you want your website put up quickly, your best bet is with an online WYSIWYG editor or a website builder that comes with a hosting service. The downside to these is that the results don't appear as professional as they would if you hired an expert to make one for you, or if you were to build one from scratch. Consider what you want with a website, and what you hope to accomplish, and choose the building method accordingly.

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